Taranto User Group 2021

Taranto user Group 2021
If you were unable to attend, here is a round-up of the main topics of the day at the Taranto User Group 2021.

The past year has underlined the importance of staying virtually connected. But when it comes to events, running an online User Group is very different from meeting up in person and new challenges are presented.

Despite a barking dog and an Amazon delivery, Taranto’s recent first-ever online User Forum was a huge success, enabling the team to connect with customers, present recent product developments, and look ahead to future enhancements.

To further improve attendee experience, we invested in a new events software called Accelevents, which enabled delegates to interact with our speakers through polls, questionnaires and chat rooms. And we even offered a couriered afternoon tea hamper to make up for not having our usual lunch spread.

If you were unable to attend, below is a round-up of the main topics of the day.

Event Highlights

Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) Solution

In this session, Sales Manager Sharon Silcock showed how Taranto solutions can help customers to minimise the operational impact of Covid-19. Examples given included enabling staff to work remotely and streamlining existing processes.

Sharon reviewed three key tools:

  1. FPN Issuance Mobile: Enables Enforcement Officers to issue FPNs via a mobile app
  2. FPN Backoffice: Council teams manage and progress FPNs
  3. FPN Self-Serve: website where members of the public can view FPN details, review evidence and either make representation or pay a fine

Client Training Through the Pandemic

Training Manager Jon Manning detailed the latest Taranto modules which have helped teams to work more efficiently during Covid-19, and explained how customers can be virtually trained on how to use them.

Modules covered included:

  • Time Pay: Assists with the new Breathing Space legislation which allows motorists to request a 60-day grace on payment if they are struggling to pay a fine
  • Briefing Notes: Sends a message at the start of a Civil Enforcement Officer’s shift, enabling them to see any important messages without visiting the office
  • PCN Manual Progression: Enables users to revert a ticket back to a previous status in its lifecycle.


Technical Director Barry Johnson offered an update on the Taranto Development Roadmap, with a specific focus on the design of TRACK (the successor to TRAIL), which helps customers to manage operations efficiently by providing monitoring, analysis and tracking of on-street activity.

Online Suspension Portal

Senior Sales Consultant Joel Hughes demonstrated the new Online Suspension portal, which helps authorities to provide high standards of service while reducing customer-facing interactions with the back-office. The system not only shifts the administrative burden away from the authority team while offering end-users 24/7 access, it can also be designed completely in-line with existing branding and presence.

Fleet Bureau

Senior Sales Consultant Stephen Forster revealed that 10-20% of all PCNs issued within Taranto are to hire and lease vehicles, and explained that customers could eliminate the resulting administration time through Fleet Bueau’s automated processing. Stephen demonstrated the benefits of making transfer of liability requests in bulk for these vehicles and the potential savings on a case-by-case basis.

To discuss any of the above products please get in touch!

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