Taranto Systems Mobile ANPR Spotter


Taranto Systems Mobile ANPR Spotter

ANPR Spotter is part of the Taranto enforcement solution, which is used by many UK Local Authorities to issue around 9mn PCNs each year


Taranto’s Mobile Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Spotter solution enables enforcement agents to instantly scan a licence plate to check for a corresponding valid permit or parking session using just their handheld device.

Once all vehicles have been scanned, the Spotter module then lists all registrations and their validity, enabling enforcement agents to quickly issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) or begin an observation to vehicles that don’t have permission to park in that area.

Taranto Mobile’s ANPR Spotter combines speed, reliability, and versatility to deliver a new level of efficiency and confidence in the handheld ANPR field.

The system is available as part of the Taranto notice processing solution, which is currently used by local authorities throughout the country to manage their parking and kerbside enforcement.