Putting Fleet Bureau to the Test with emovis

Case Study

Putting Fleet Bureau to the Test with emovis

Can Taranto Fleet Bureau speed up fleet company PCN payments?

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In many local authorities, there is a significant volume of PCNs issued to vehicles that are registered to fleet companies (this can be up to around 10% of PCNs in many Taranto System’s clients).

In the traditional process, there is a high level of manual intervention in the processing back- office to obtain the keeper details for a Transfer of Liability (see the process flow diagrams below), which results in inefficiency and additional operating costs related to staff time, scanning, printing, DVLA lookup (VQ4/VQ5), and postage.

Taranto Fleet Bureau automates large parts of the fleet vehicle PCN handling process and delivers material operational savings to any council that uses it. The solution:

  • Automates the filtering of fleet vehicles from a regular DVLA lookup. The Fleet Bureau database contains Vehicle Registration Marks provided by the subscribed fleet companies removing the requirement for a (needless) DVLA look-up.
  • Eliminates some administration
  • Removes most of the paper from the process.
  • Facilitates the more efficient payment of PCNs, in bulk (as transactions are grouped by “issuing authority” via the fleet company interface), through an interface with the council’s payment systems.

Taranto spent over two years creating this solution. It was internally funded with input and advice sought from industry experts. The application was developed in conjunction with private sector fleet sector organisations such as Enterprise-Rent-A-Car and SAFO, the British Vehicle and Rental Licencing Association (BVRLA), several UK local authorities and emovis (the Mersey Gateway and Dartford FreeFlow operator).

The concept is truly unique and has been confirmed by the BVRLA as something groundbreaking within the fleet and parking sectors, hence the organisations’ willingness to assist with the development of the innovation.

Existing Fleet PCN handling process:

Chart showing Taranto Fleet PCN Handling

Taranto Fleet Bureau Fleet PCN handling process

Chart showing Taranto Fleet PCN handling process

Timeframe steps

  • A DVLA request is produced during the night/early This includes the PCNs that have entered the Taranto back-office system the previous day.
  • Rather than being passed for Keeper Enquiries via a DVLA-Bureau Service as normal, the file is uploaded to the Taranto Fleet Bureau enabling an address to be added against any applicable fleet vehicles. This process occurs within minutes.
  • All remaining (non-fleet) vehicles from the file will advance as normal to the DVLA.
  • Those cases which have received a ‘hit’ from the bureau and have been allocated an address for the fleet company are excluded from the DVLA file and sent to the relevant address electronically. This means that an electronic PCN is received by the fleet company within 24 hours of the case being issued.
  • A suitable action can be performed depending upon the fleet company agreement with the hirer, including:
    • Pay for the PCN
    • A Transfer of Liability (TOL). Depending upon the preference of the fleet company, details are passed back to the Taranto system via an electronic daily update file, or through a bespoke web-page offered as part of the Taranto Bureau service, updating the record within seconds. Once recorded, by whatever means, this instigates a paper PCN to be batched, printed and posted as normal, physically in the post. This usually means the hirer receives a paper PCN within 7 days of being issued – much quicker than through traditional methods.

The table below outlines the typical progression path demonstrated via traditional methods and
how this compares to the Taranto Fleet Bureau.

  PaperTaranto Fleet bureau
Week1MondayPCN reviewedPCN reviewed
 TuesdayDVLA request sentDVLA request sent, Batched and sent Electronically
 WednesdayDVLA Response received PCN printedTOL received processed
 ThursdayPostal processPCN re-batched and printed
 FridayPCN received by fleet companyPostal process
 Saturday PCN Paid or rep raised
Week2MondayPCN scanned by fleet company 
 TuesdayPCN sits in pile awaiting processing 
 WednesdayPCN sits in pile awaiting processing 
 ThursdayFleet company Post TOL 
 FridayMerseyflow Scan / create workflow 
Week3MondayTOL sits in pile awaiting processing 
 TuesdayTOL sits in pile awaiting processing 
 WednesdayTOL performed 
 ThursdayPCN re-batched and Printed 
 Fridaypostal process 
 SaturdayPCN Paid or rep raised 

Testing Fleet Bureau with Mersey Gateway (emovis)

The Taranto Fleet Bureau trial was started with Taranto client emovis as part of the Mersey Gateway scheme. The trial started on Wednesday 19th September 2018 and this used just one brand of fleet company vehicles (Hertz) to ensure a low volume so that manual checks could be made at all stages.

Results were collated after 20 working days in the trial after nearly 350 PCNs were recorded via the service.

46Paid direct by the fleet company on the Merseyflow website.
262Transfer of liability the next day
39Still awaiting updates

A comparison has been made for exactly the same VRMs all belonging to Hertz for the Paper issued tickets.

Payments: The below shows the number of calendar days between the PCN being generated and the day paid. As can be seen, the Taranto Fleet Bureau PCN gets paid quicker as the fleet company are not having to wait for PCNs to be delivered physically in the post.  This also reduces administration time as the fleet company are not having to open the envelopes, scan the contents and process the payment manually.

PCNs issued via the Fleet Bureau were predominantly paid the day after they were issued increasing cash flow for the Fleet Bureau Customer (in this case Mersey).

graph showing how the speed of PCN payments increased using Fleet Bureau

Transfer of Liability (TOL) – The PCN that was sent to Hertz electronically, has the TOL performed electronically and is then posted out physically to the hirer.

This means that the PCN will be with the hirer much quicker than traditional means, yielding a greater possibility of being paid quicker.

Of the PCNs that were then paid by the hirer, a majority of these are paid within 7-9 days of the PCN first being issued to Hertz.

Before the trial, the quickest a PCN was ever paid was day 16. Although the majority were paid 28 days after the PCN was first issued.

As well as providing a better service to the hirer (through alerting them to their PCN in quicker amount of time), this is increasing the cash flow via the Taranto Fleet Bureau client.

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“The Taranto Fleet initiative has delivered tangible operational benefits to emovis. This innovation has significantly enhanced and streamlined the process for Fleet companies, which in turn has helped us deliver material cost savings, and a much improved timeline for the sending of Penalty Charge Notices. This ground-breaking innovation has been instrumental in helping us deal with a long standing issue (of huge volumes of PCN’s going out to Fleet companies and dealing with the transfer of that liability to the actual driver of the fleet vehicle). This innovation has automated this process, saving huge amounts of administration time both at Emovis, and the Fleet companies themselves. After initially trialling the solution, it quickly became apparent that it would deliver great benefits and we came to the decision very easily to move from trial to roll-out as the benefits to our Mersey Gateway Contract have the potential to be material.”
Neil Conway
CEO, emovis UK

Fleet Bureau Today

Now the trial has been proven the number of cases has been extended beyond one fleet company and numerous fleet organisations are populating the Taranto Fleet Bureau with their vehicle details, rendering the solution even more useful.

Applied to the Wider Parking Sector

The system is market-ready and is already used in numerous operations within the Taranto client base.

We have also introduced additional integrations required for further operational set-ups. Indeed even non-Taranto clients can “tap in” to the solution. The Taranto Fleet Bureau has the ability to interface with numerous external applications and third parties. This is achieved using a number of different web services that allow two-way communications with external sources. These web services are scalable, resilient, self-describing and well documented so third parties can easily interface with them with little assistance – meaning that the Taranto Fleet Bureau can be made accessible to Local Authorities or Private Operators that aren’t using the Taranto back-office enforcement solution.

Additionally, the amount of fleet companies populating Fleet Bureau with data is being constantly increased. This is being done through relationships that have been developed over the past two years, but also in conjunction with the BVRLA.

This is a truly unique solution that adds efficiency to the parking and fleet industries, as well as providing a better service to the public.

“The fleet bureau service will provide the Islington parking services with large efficiencies and cost saving. The service will provide us with keeper details quickly and automatically, which will ensure fast collection of income and debt, cost savings on printing, postage and most significantly the administration of changing keeper details. There will also be savings in DVLA costs and staffing. This will be a significant step forward for a digital and intelligent lead parking service.””
Nicolina Cooper
Head of Parking Services, London Borough of Islington