Taranto appointed preferred bidder by Harrow Council

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Taranto expands its market share in local government as Harrow Council confirms Taranto as the preferred bidder for its parking enforcement system.

Taranto’s footprint in the local authority parking sector has been further enhanced with the announcement that Harrow Council has appointed Taranto as the preferred bidder for the council’s parking enforcement solution. The Taranto team is working closely with the council on the implementation, with the system scheduled to go live in September 2023, and Taranto Permits to be introduced at a later date. 

This latest contract establishes Taranto as the most used parking enforcement software in London – now used in 12 of the 32 London Boroughs, with 75% of all PCNs issued in the capital now processed through Taranto. Taranto’s parking and tolling solutions are used by more than 60 UK central and local government organisations, with around 35% of market share in public sector parking enforcement systems.

For more information on Taranto’s parking enforcement systems for public and private sector parking organisations, contact us.

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