
User Group 2021 Session Videos


Welcome & Business Update

Our MD, Lewis Wray, opens the event followed by a business updates from Sales Director, Chris Murphy.


Roadmap Developments

Joel and Phill provide an insight into some of the new enhancements introduced to Taranto this year, as well as giving examples of ongoing, soon-to-be-released functionality.


Upgrades & the Future of Upgrades

Hear how your customer feedback has influenced our upgrade process and discover how the technology behind Taranto will help improve this process in the future!


Online Suspensions

Phill and Joel provide an overview of the new, branded, self-service portal that enables members of the public to pay for suspensions online.


Taranto Street Reporting & Event Close

Taranto Mobile enables Civil Enforcement Officers to quickly and easily record details of anything whilst on-street.  Joel and David take you through the new online portal, which extends this feature to the public and enables information to be reported to the council in a controlled manner.