Taranto is approved for ESPO Parking Management Solutions framework

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Taranto Parking Enforcement Solutions can now be procured directly through the ESPO framework

We are delighted to announce that Taranto Parking Enforcement Solution has been approved for the ESPO Parking Management Solutions framework (509). Taranto’s services under the framework fall into Lot 4 – Civil Enforcement Solutions which covers PCN administration and processing and permit management.

Using the ESPO framework ensures that services are compliant with public sector procurement regulations, and ensures that products and solutions meet the necessary standards to achieve the ESPO criteria.  Taranto’s complete parking management solution, supported by Taranto’s comprehensive support and professional services can be purchased via the ESPO framework, without having to go through a lengthy procurement process. Procurement made through the framework is transparent, with clear pricing and agreed terms and conditions. Authorities can run a mini-competition or direct-award to a supplier on the framework.

Chris Murphy, Taranto’s Sales Director commented: “We are delighted that we have achieved the high standards required by ESPO for Civil Enforcement Systems. This accreditation comes on top of our inclusion in the G-Cloud framework. Our public sector clients can be assured that Taranto’s solutions meet the necessary standards and also that we have demonstrated our economic, environmental and social value credentials to be approved for these rigorous frameworks.”  

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