Taranto Online Permit Management

Taranto Online Permit Management has been enhanced to improve usability and functionality from both the back-office and end-user perspectives. Taranto Permits retains its unique flexibility and configurability and is now enhanced with the .GOV user interface for improved accessibility and engagement. The combination of flexible configuration, dynamic interface and user engagement makes the Taranto Permits module even better than ever.
Configurability and Flexibility
Whatever formats you have adopted for your permits, Taranto Permits can be configured to create simplicity out of complexity. Whether you’re using variable pricing structures for different locations, controlled parking zones, emissions-based parking or safer street zones, Taranto facilitates a simple to use system that can easily be administered by the back-office team, using rules-based processes with minimal manual intervention to reduce errors. Dynamic lookup facility enables pricing to be adjusted in real-time, providing a flexible, adaptable solution to permit management.
Now enhanced with an improved Parking Permits Portal for greater accessibility and usability for both permit providers and end-users
The Permits module allows the back-office team to administer and maintain permits, automating the majority of previously manual processes, saving time and improving accuracy. Taranto Permits integrates with the Taranto Parking Enforcement back -office platform for a complete end-to-end parking solution.
Parking Permits Portal
Taranto Permits is now enhanced with a more intuitive and accessible customer portal – the Taranto Online Permit Module (OPM). Working with our clients, we have developed a new accessible and intuitive customer-facing portal based on WCAG guidelines for accessibility using the .GOV interface. Users can access the portal on any device, improving the user experience. It can also be branded with the council logo and colour palette for greater user familiarity and engagement, as well as consistency across a council’s website.
The portal integrates seamlessly with the back-office system for automatic updates, reducing back-office administration.
Taranto Permits integrates with Taranto Mobile, allowing Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) to check permit validity on their handheld devices. If a vehicle does not have a valid permit, the CEO can then issue a PCN, when appropriate, for integrated parking management.